Francis Santa Scholarship 2022-2023
For Business Students
Future business students are encouraged to apply for the Francis Santa Scholarship for Business Students, through which a student planning on embarking down the road to becoming an entrepreneur will be given a $1,000 reward. A short essay is required for entry, and the winner will be selected based off of the content in that essay.
Scholarship Overview
Mr. Santa has forged a successful career as an entrepreneur and he would like a chance to give back to the next generation of business students with this scholarship reward.
The Francis Santa Scholarship for Business Students announces the inception of our fund, which is available to future business students living or attending school in the United States. Our goal is to give a funding opportunity to a deserving student planning on entering into the field of entrepreneurship once finishing their studies. Further, we are aiming to bolster awareness for the struggles faced by young business students on their journeys to a successful career in the field of entrepreneurship.

In order to apply, the applicant should be a current business student at a university in the United States or a high school student that will attend university en route to a business degree.
The scholarship will be awarded based on our essay contest. One winner will be selected based on the best creative essay of under 1000 words which addresses the following:
“Describe a problem faced by young businesspeople entering the workforce and how you will overcome this problem to become successful in business.”
One time award of $1,000
The deadline to apply for the scholarship is February 15, 2023
Winner Announced
The winner for the scholarship will be announced March 15, 2023.

How to Apply
Applicant should email their response to the essay question “Describe a problem faced by young businesspeople entering the workforce and how you will overcome this problem to become successful in business.” in Word Doc format to [email protected]
Along with the essay, please provide the following information:
- Full Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Name of High School and Graduation Date
- The University that you are currently enrolled in.
- Personal Bio